
If you are able to order online, please complete the form at the bottom of this page.

If you prefer to ring, but we do not answer, leave a message on our answerphone and we will get back to you.

If you ring, please tell us:

  1. Your name
  2. Agency name
  3. Phone number
  4. Dietary requirements
  5. Number in household
  6. Ages of babies for nappy sizes if relevant
  7. The reason your client needs parcels
  8. Number of weeks required (up to 4 weeks)

ReadiFood is primarily a “by referral” service (people cannot call us on their own behalf). We rely on you, the referrer, to assess whether there is genuine need.

We are not a drop-in Food Bank – we deliver to you or to your client directly if in the Greater Reading area. We do not issue vouchers.

Do not send clients to us – unless you have specifically agreed an arrangement with a staff member.

We will normally only provide up to 4 weekly deliveries if a client has zero income.

If they are in receipt of benefits and/or wages and struggling with general costs of living we can issue up to 2 weeks of parcels, which will be sent once we have assessed their need. We may be able to offer more parcels if the client has a specific emergency.

You can refer again and where really necessary discuss with us the long term needs of your client, such as a monthly top-up parcel.