1. Faith aims to provide a high quality of service, for the whole community that it serves. Clients can expect courtesy and respect from Faith staff and volunteers regardless of the client’s beliefs or background. Clients can also expect confidences disclosed to Faith staff and volunteers to be kept, in so far as the law permits.
  2. Nevertheless, there may be times when a client or volunteer feels that Faith has let them down. This procedure explains what the client should do in that situation.
  3. All complaints should be provided in writing to the Faith Director, unless the complaint is about the Director, in which case it should be addressed to the Chair of the Faith Trustees. If you would like help in preparing such a letter, Faith staff or volunteers, who are not the subject of your complaint, may be able to help. Whoever receives the complaint will set up an investigation as soon as practicable and a written response to your complaint will be sent at the earliest opportunity, normally within 10 working days.
  4. If a satisfactory solution is not forthcoming within a reasonable period of time (i.e. normally 10 working days), you may refer the matter to the next appropriate level of (If you are dissatisfied with the response provided by the Director you may address the matter to the Chair of the Faith Trustees. Following a full investigation a decision will be referred back to you as quickly as possible, normally within one month.
  5. At all stages Faith staff and volunteers will endeavour to deal promptly with your complaint, although delays may occur.

Any complaints should be addressed to the Faith office 33 Boulton Road Reading RG2 0NH.